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Six theaters and 35 apartments for 3,600 students occupy nearly 240 acres. Hofstra University currently has a total of 11,131 students, including 6,861 undergraduates and 3,018 graduate students. Students come from 50 states and 82 countries in the United States. buy Fake George Mason University Diploma online. The school adopts small class teaching, with an average class size of 20 students and a teacher-student ratio of 1:13. As a coeducational, non-sectarian, large-scale, non-profit private university of higher education, Hofstra University’s beautiful 240-acre campus inspires and inspires students at all times.

Hofstra University offers 6 undergraduate degrees with 155 undergraduate majors, 14 graduate degrees with 170 graduate majors, and 15 dual degrees including MD/Ph.D, JD/MBA. The majors included are accounting, American studies, anthropology, applied physics, art history, sound and radio technology, biochemistry, international trade, business administration, broadcast journalism, etc. In addition, Hofstra University offers e-learning, offers a distance master of science degree in computing, and a certificate in higher education. Get fake Hofstra University diplomas online, buy fake Hofstra University degree certificates, buy fake Hofstra University transcript. As of May 2014, Huoda has more than 100 double-degree majors, allowing students to complete undergraduate and postgraduate courses in a shorter time. Fake Western Illinois University Diploma? For students with excellent grades and the courage to challenge themselves, they can try to show themselves in all aspects and be selected to enter the Hofstra Honors College / Honors College (Honors College) to enrich their college experience. The school also has special courses, such as Freshman Orientation, which aims to help freshmen adapt to the new learning and living environment as soon as possible; while sharing resources, it enables freshmen to develop social activities smoothly.

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